When the weather turns horribly cold, we wear a coat, gloves, hat, and a scarf. We keep ourselves protected from the cold. Is your computer and network protected? These are the questions that you need to ask to make sure that you are.
- Does everyone in your organization have a secure password?
- Do you have a secure firewall?
- Are we safe against a cyber-crime or a cyber-attack?
- If we are breached, how do we recover our data?
These are some of the questions we, at Liberating Insight, can answer.
Does Everyone in our Organization Have a Secure Password?
Everything we have today seems to be password protected. A lot of people use the same password for everything, or at least something similar. As a company, you must stress to your employees that their password that secures your data and workstations be entirely unique. It cannot be used on their personal technology.
We have developed a “Password Checklist” to help you and your employees secure the company’s data.
- Each staff member has a unique login
- Passwords are not to be shared with others
- Passwords must consist of:
- Mixed Case Letters
- Numbers
- Special Characters such as !#_.?/
- User accounts are deactivated when the employee leaves the company.
Passwords can sometimes be hard to remember. There are a few ideas to help you remember them. The first example could be using the first letters of each word to make up your password, like a personal acronym. For example:
See Spot Run Five Miles could become SSrf(5)M
using letters, both capital and lower case, numbers, special symbols and a length of at least eight characters.
Another easy way to have a secure password is to come up with a phrase and use substitution. For example:
My house is white could become My,house1swh1te
using numbers in the place of some letters and symbols for some of the spaces.
Using these tips, it is simple to have a secure personal password that is easy to remember. This is only one step, but a step that you, as an employee, must take to keep your data and the data of your company safe and secure.